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This week, the performance of direct delivery transactions in the billet market is weak, and the transaction of
SMM, 24 Sept Aluminum period of the month to the interval shock In the morning, the spot quotation in Shanghai
China& 39;sShagangGroupannouncedtodecreaseitssteelpricebyRMB320 tonforSeptember Aftertheadjustment,Shagang& 39;sQ235wasaboutRMB3,7
Asian countries adjust policies to stimulate economic growth In response to the downward pressure on economic growt
Plate later market price will be strongAlthough has entered the "Golden Nine ", but the plate market still can no
According to statistics from Brazil Steel Institute (IABr), Brazilian crude steel production totaled around 2 4 mil
TheenthusiasmofChinesesteelenterprisesforexportquotationshadincreasedmainlybecauseoftheweakRMB Thepriceofhotrolledcoil(HRC)hadbeen
Accordingtostatistics,Indiancrudesteeloutputincreasedby4%yearonyeartoaround9 3milliontonsinJune2019,andtheglobalsteeloutputgrewbyn